Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Planning for 203 houses in Warminster Approved

Last month you may have read my blog post relating to the West Warminster Urban Extension and the Master Plan gaining approval. Further to this this Wiltshire County Council have, predictably, approved planning for 203 houses, as submitted by Redrow Homes on the site just off St Andrews road. Of the 203 homes 61 are set to be affordable houses.

It is without doubt that residents are concerned. Construction vehicles will be entering the site via the cul-de-sac and ultimately will form access to the new homes. So what will this mean for the home owners and house prices here? Well only time will tell but I would expect to see a a few of these properties on the market in the coming months.

In my opinion the very reason the development has been approved is because there is not enough housing available. In summary demand is high, supply is limited, borrowing is cheap (interest rates may come down to 0.25% tomorrow) and property in St Andrews road is still desirable.